P: 027 234 9560

Usui Reiki First Degree Class

Anyone can learn Usui Reiki - you don’t need any specific knowledge or experience, just the willingness to learn and promptly start experiencing the benefits for yourself

First Degree Class Details

Our next Usui Reiki Classes 

2 & 3 November 2024 - book now - 1 place left

30 Nov & 1 Dec 2024 - booking now

14 Terry Came Drive, Cambridge

What to bring:

  • Your open heart

  • Reiki Journal & pen

  • Bed–sized pillow, throw, and socks in Winter

Filtered water, coffee & tea is supplied for breaks and you're welcome to BYO picnic lunch or eat in the new Joe's Garage Cafe around the corner.book nowbook now

Usui Reiki - invest in your holistic health for a lifetime

Reiki enhances your whole experience of life, living, and work.

The benefits of giving and receiving Reiki are accumulative. This means your life, work, relationships, and emotional and physical health will improve noticeably as a result of your daily self-treatment.

Reiki balances and harmonises all aspects of your emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical energy bodies simultaneously as the Reiki flows into your body. 

Your relationship with yourself and others at home and the workplace improves as you more naturally flow in new creative ways on your path towards personal growth, happiness, fulfillment, and enlightenment.

Reiki has gained great credibility and professionalism

A Certification of Completion is given with every Usui Reiki Degree and is recognized by Reiki New Zealand Inc - the only national Reiki body in New Zealand.

The use of Reiki energy for personal and professional stress
reduction, enhancing creativity, problem-solving and therefore
profitability in business is a major contribution to the workplace.

A remarkable and permanent healing modality, Reiki may be learned in Degrees or levels which are usually taught over a weekend. The ability to channel Reiki is instant, it is emotionally and physically noticeable and lasts a lifetime after the First Degree Reiki Class.

'I was due to have a minor medical procedure.

After my daily Reiki self-treatments my condition literally disappeared and healed much to the Doctor's confusion, who said 'this is highly unusual'.

Clare, Reiki 1st Degree, Cambridge

Learn more about Yolanda's Usui Reiki classes

What to expect - fascinating and practical

  • Your Reiki First Degree Training is taught over 3 days – 2 consecutive days plus 1 full extra 1/2 day and includes professional standards and advanced energy responses when using Usui Reiki

  • Classes of 2-4 students ensure quality training and plenty of time for hands-on practice and one-on-one attention in a peaceful and nurturing environment

  • Your Usui Reiki Class Manual is an accumulation of 22+ years of Yolanda’s personal and professional Reiki knowledge – including diagrams, resources and step-by-step Guidelines to all your Reiki First Degree Class content

What you'll receive - fabulous!

The immediate and life-long use of the Usui Reiki energy – which enhances the whole quality of your life and health as you use it

How and why it’s so valuable for you to give yourself Reiki daily and how it effects you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually

How to give Reiki to loved ones and friends simply, beautifully, respectfully, confidently and effectively

Your own Usui Reiki Manual – a fully detailed accumulation of 22+ years of Yolanda’s personal and professional Reiki knowledge – which includes diagrams, resources and step-by-step Guidelines to all your Reiki First Degree Class content.

A beautiful and professional Usui Reiki Ryoho 1st Degree Certificate to display which acknowledges your training and ability to practice Reiki professionally after a recommended time of 6 - 12 months

Your complimentary Reiki Review Class to further grow your practice and accelerate the benefits of Reiki for you

PLUS a year's free Membership to Reiki NZ Inc

PLUS complimentary Reiki Share Groups & Professional Development Days for additional complimentary training

PLUS discounts off every 60 minute full-body, Distant Reiki Treatment you have with Yolanda - $40 - only for my students

PLUS you’ll be meeting many lovely like-minded, Usui Reiki students who are committed to a healthier, happier, more successful and abundant life for themselves and their loved ones

On Completion - there's more!

On completion of your training, you'll receive a beautiful and professional Usui Reiki Ryoho 1st Degree Certificate to display which acknowledges your training and ability to practice Reiki professionally after a recommended time of approx 6 months

After the attunements to First Degree Reiki, you will be empowered to give Reiki to anything with which you will have direct contact FOR A LIFETIME 

Anything you place your hands on will automatically receive Reiki simply by touch – food, water, medicines, crystals, people, plants, animals, anything

You learn a variety of ways to give Reiki treatments to yourself - short and long, full body and chakras, too

You learn and practice how to give seated Reiki to loved ones & friends - you'll be surprised how much everyone loves a seated Reiki treatment

You learn how to give professional Reiki treatments (but are encouraged not to for at least 3-6+ months after your First & Second Degree classes)

'I feel very blessed and thankful to have learned Reiki, being able to use for my own personal use and with family when needed.

Reiki has been a great friend and asset for me'

Michelle, Reiki 2nd Degree, Waikato

Book in today for our next beautiful Usui Reiki 1st Degree Classes

 Inspiring real-life stories from recent clients & students on
How Reiki has changed their stress & family life to more peace and happiness

'I have absolutely loved learning Reiki from Yolanda
It's been life changing for me and it's helped me become healthier and happier. My intuition has increased and I'm feeling more like my authentic self with each day and more in a state of flow.  I'm definitely more present in each moment too.

Reiki has not only helped me but my whole family
My autistic son Lucas had trouble sleeping and by the age of 5yrs old he had only slept a handful of times throughout the night but since giving him daily Reiki his sleep has improved drastically and he's now getting full night's sleep most night's - which has been a total game changer in our household.

I would absolutely recommend learning Reiki from Yolanda
Yolanda is very thorough in her teachings and you receive comprehensive manuals to help you on your journey. Another amazing thing is the on going contact Yolanda provides. If i ever have a question, i know Yolanda is just a phone call away. 

Hope Silby, Reiki 3rd Degree Student 2021
Thank you Yolanda, much love and blessings to you and i will always be so grateful to you'

Learning Reiki was much more powerful than I ever expected
I am more confident and empowered, I feel connected to the world, my senses are heightened and I am peaceful, calm and at ease.

I see beauty in everything
The power of Reiki has surprised me – the effect on both myself and others when I give us all Reiki. Reiki is so much more powerful than I ever knew – it’s amazing.

My mind has shifted hugely,
I seem to be always very happy now
I am noticing how much my happiness has increased. My relationship with my husband has strengthened – I share Reiki with him and our bond as a married couple has deepened and strengthened.

I am so much more optimistic and excited about life
I am more able to live in the moment and feel contented and peaceful. I can now easily listen to my body wants and needs, I nurture it and I don’t make it work physically like I used to.

Your Usui Reiki Lineage is important

As an experienced and professional Usui Reiki Teacher, Yolanda is dedicated to the spiritual, physical, emotional and mental health & wellbeing benefits this exceptional and beautiful Reiki energy brings to her Students.

Usui Reiki as taught by Yolanda is a direct lineage of the original Usui -Hayashi -Takata Lineage dated 1917 (see 'This is Reiki' by Frank Arjava Petter)

The Usui Reiki energy is passed from teacher to student in a direct ancestral line from the Founder of Usui Reiki, Mikao Usui Sensei. 

Yolanda holds small Classes giving you more time to practice, understand, experience and respect the power of the flow of Reiki through your hands (and heart).

“So many long-term healings – in my body, my relationships, including my efficiency at work!”

Diana Vollebregt, Reiki 3rd Degree, Waikato