Usui Reiki Second Degree Class
Open your heart, your mind and transform your world with the skills and symbols of Usui Reiki Second Degree

Second Degree Class Details
Dates & Time:
22 & 23 February 2025, 9.30 - 3.30pm: book now
14 Terry Came Drive, Cambridge
What to bring:
2-3 photos of individual family members and/or
a friendReiki Journal & pen
Bed–sized pillow, throw, and socks in Winter
Filtered water, coffee & tea is supplied for breaks and you're welcome to BYO picnic lunch or eat in the new Joe's Garage Cafe around the corner.
'What a truly wonderful, enlightening weekend🙏🏻'
'I'm amazed at how much I can do to help myself and the family'
Deidre, Usui Reiki 1st & 2nd Degree, NIA Instructor, Waikato, NZ
Usui Reiki 2nd Degree enables the 1st Degree practitioner to increase the power of their hands-on Reiki and more
Usui Reiki 2nd Degree enables the Usui Reiki 1st Degree practitioner to increase the power of their hands-on Reiki with your new 3 out of 4 Usui Reiki symbols.
What you'll learn
Using your Reiki Second Degree naturally empowers your intuition and enriches your quality of life, relationships and success.
Reiki Second Degree is a beautiful and amazing step up in your knowledge and use of energy – it has a profound effect on your own personal and professional growth and relationships
During your Second Degree you will learn the symbols and explore exciting ways of using them to enhance your daily life
Reiki Second Degree accelerates and increases the benefits of all your Usui Reiki hands-on treatments - for yourself, your pets, animal, plants, loved ones and friends
PLUS you'll learn how to use the 3 Usui Reiki symbols to:
Bless, uplift and revitalise your home and work-spaces for increased happiness, wellbeing and success
You'll learn different ways to send loving, healing Reiki energy through time and space to your loved ones, people in need anywhere and anytime, including yourself
You'll learn how to send Reiki into past and future events (exams, meetings, etc) for positive and productive outcomes
A big plus is learning how to create empowering Intentions that manifest for your highest good with your new Reiki 2nd Degree skills - woohoo!!
What you'll receive
A thorough and attractive Reiki Second Degree Manual
A beautiful Reiki Second Degree Certificate
PLUS … a free 1 x day Reiki Second Degree Review to deepen your Training, help your practice, answer any questions and give and receive powerful Reiki together
Plus FREE high-vibe Reiki Personal and/or Professional Development Days – for all my Reiki Students
PLUS … free Reiki Support Groups to give and receive Reiki, meet like-minded people, relax and receive Reiki for yourself (important) and have fun practicing your new skills
Special student-only discounts for 60 min. Distant Reiki treatments to support & accelerate your wellbeing and flow through challenging times
On Completion - so beautiful
Your beautiful dated and signed Reiki Second Degree Certificate - especially designed to acknowledge your attunement and skill-base to this magical level of Usui Reiki. If you choose to share Reiki professionally going forward, it's very reassuring for your friends, family (and any new clients) to see your Certificates.
Reiki affects your body, mind and heart
"I want to share some of things that have happened to me since learning Reiki 1st Degree with Yolanda
A sense of lightness and relaxation
Calmer within my myself and calmer with others
Positive about what each day holds
Curious about things I’ve not noticed before e.g.plants, insects, places, people)
Heightened and a returned sense of smell (after nasal surgery there had been no sense of smell for JP until during her Reiki 1st Degree Course)
Heightened sense of colours
Emotionally consistent – a lot less ‘up and down’
Happier about who I am and what I look like
Excited about the possibilities that I can be what I want to be – not what other people want me to be
Much more interested in life"
Julie, Usui Reiki 2nd Degree, Waikato
Usui Reiki 2nd Degree naturally empowers your intuition and enriches your quality of life, relationships, and success
Reiki Second Degree is a beautiful and amazing step up in your knowledge and use of energy – it has a profound effect on your own personal and professional growth and relationships
During your Second Degree, you will learn the symbols and explore exciting ways of using them to enhance your daily life
To accelerate the benefits and increase the effects of your hands-on Reiki energy
To bless and harmonize your homes, offices, workspace and the land
To send Reiki through time and space – to anyone, anything, anywhere, anytime, past, present or future.
Book your amazing Usui Reiki Second Degree Course now
22 & 23 February 2025 book now
'Thank you for a wonderful weekend'
"I learned Usui Reiki 1st and 2nd Degree with Yolanda when I was recovering from a serious concussion and I’ve experienced many benefits from what we were taught.
Reiki’s a real asset to every aspect of my life and completing the next level is a natural progression. I really respect and value the authenticity and purity of the Usui Reiki that Yolanda teaches. I’ve enjoyed my Usui Reiki classes and I’ve learned so much with Yolanda.
For me it’s a very valuable and special gift and I want to share all the awesome benefits of Usui Reiki with my loved ones and the world by practicing Reiki in a professional capacity. As soon as I’ve completed my Usui Reiki Master training, I’ll be starting down that path".
Jane Rompelberg, Usui Reiki Master, Wellington, NZ
Better sleep, more happiness
'I gave my husband a table Reiki Treatment after his work, using my new Usui Reiki Second Degree symbols.
He said he slept much better and felt a lot better in himself the next morning. There's heaps going on at his work at the moment and I was so grateful the Reiki helped him feel more energised and positive.'
Accelerate your healing
I cut my finger to the bone a few days before my Second Degree Class. I immediately gave Reiki to it and continued to do so every day whenever possible.
Within 2 weeks it's almost fully healed with only a tiny scar - normally full healing would take weeks'.
Deidre M, Waikato
Harmonise your home and work
'I was amazed at how much we can use our Usui Reiki symbols at home and at work to enhance the peace, happiness and productivity of the different spaces.
I've already blessed my house, office, desk, bed, and pillows. I've also sent Reiki to my family overseas and in New Zealand. Woohoo!'
Lisa, Waikato
‘It’s an honour and privilege to heal myself and a tremendous relief and pleasure to be able to send Reiki love, balance and harmony to help those I love and care about - wherever they are in the world'
Agelize Short, NZ
Book your amazing Usui Reiki Second Degree Course now
22 & 23 February 2025 book now