P: 027 234 9560

Usui Reiki Classes

Usui Reiki is physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being using the energy of nature and the power of touch

My Usui Reiki Classes are happening every month throughout the year - I love teaching and I've practiced and taught Usui Reiki for over 24 years now!

Please contact me if you and 2 or more friends would like to schedule a class to suit you? I'd love to hear from you.

You'll love learning Usui Reiki, see our class options below.

How can we assist you and your Usui Reiki journey?

A remarkable and permanent healing modality, Reiki classes may be learnt in Degrees or levels, which are usually taught over a weekend.

The Reiki energy is passed from the teacher to the student following one or more attunements – the ability to channel Reiki is instant, palpable and lasts a lifetime after the First Degree Reiki teaching. 

One of the main reasons people are drawn to using Reiki on themselves is it’s tremendous contribution as a very simple and effective tool for fast stress management, pain relief and healing.

Once learned, Usui Reiki is practical and easy to use anywhere and everywhere

Once learned, Usui Reiki is practical, easy to use anywhere (including in front of the tv, at the movies or when traveling), and works fast on balancing and harmonising all aspects of the physiological, emotional, and intellectual bodies.

Life flows more easily, pain diminishes faster, healing is accelerated and the mind and thoughts flow more calmly.

After the attunements to First Degree Reiki, you will be empowered to give Reiki to anything with which you will have direct contact – primarily, this includes you.

Anything you place your hands on will automatically receive Reiki simply by touch – food, water, medicines, crystals, people, plants, animals, anything.

You learn how to give Reiki treatments to yourself, others, and professionally (please note that giving Reiki treatments professionally is optional).

Yolanda creates such a space of safety, integrity and high standards when she teaches Reiki

"I really appreciate her upmost reverence as to how Reiki is received and upheld.

Her professionalism and attention to detail is second to none and her genuine desire to see her students learn Usui Reiki with the integrity it deserves is deeply appreciated.

Much Aroha and gratitude, Yolanda - highly recommended"

Danielle Renee, Usui Reiki 2nd Degree, Waikato

You receive so much more when you learn Usui Reiki

  1. The immediate and LIFE-LONG USE OF THE USUI REIKI ENERGY – which enhances the whole quality of your life and health as you use it

  2. How and why it’s so valuable for you to GIVE YOURSELF REIKI and how it effects you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually

  3. How to GIVE REIKI TO OTHERS beautifully, respectfully, confidently, professionally and effectively

  4. Your own REIKI MANUAL – a fully detailed accumulation of 25+ years of Yolanda’s personal and professional Reiki knowledge 

  5. A beautiful and professional REIKI 1ST DEGREE CERTIFICATE to display which acknowledges your training and practice

  6. FREE Professional Development Days to further grow your practice 

  7. All Distant or in-person FULL REIKI TREATMENTSare discounted for my students ($50)

  8. On-going free support whenever you need it.

Using Reiki for yourself and others

At the completion of First Degree Reiki anything you place your hands on will receive Reiki simply by touch.

This includes YOU, your family, friends and colleagues, plants, animals and birds, food, water, beverages, medicines – even car batteries have been known to start with Reiki.

Smaller Reiki classes offer you better quality training

Our small ‘boutique’ classes are entertaining and packed with quality information … they’re professional, nurturing and practical and there’s plenty of time to practice your new skills and receive heaps of Reiki while doing so!

"The experience of giving and receiving Reiki was very powerful.

How do you describe stillness and calm that is also so alive with potential and love?

Experiencing Reiki feels like such an enormous privilege"

Jann Tighe, Usui Reiki 3rd Degree NZ

 Inspiring real-life stories from recent clients & students on
How Reiki has changed their stress & family life to more peace and happiness

'I have absolutely loved learning Reiki from Yolanda
It's been life changing for me and it's helped me become healthier and happier. My intuition has increased and I'm feeling more like my authentic self with each day and more in a state of flow.  I'm definitely more present in each moment too.

Reiki has not only helped me but my whole family
My autistic son Lucas had trouble sleeping and by the age of 5yrs old he had only slept a handful of times throughout the night but since giving him daily Reiki his sleep has improved drastically and he's now getting full night's sleep most night's - which has been a total game changer in our household.

I would absolutely recommend learning Reiki from Yolanda
Yolanda is very thorough in her teachings and you receive comprehensive manuals to help you on your journey. Another amazing thing is the on going contact Yolanda provides. If i ever have a question, i know Yolanda is just a phone call away. 

Hope Silby, Reiki 3rd Degree Student
Thank you Yolanda, much love and blessings to you. I will always be so grateful to you'

The Benefits of Reiki are powerful and gentle

  • Experience the reduction of stress and pain in a single treatment

  • Automatically have accelerated healing of physical tissue (body), mind (thoughts and beliefs), heart (emotions) and spirit (alignment)

  • Alleviate your fatigue, energize naturally, both mentally and physically

  • Increase your clarity of mind, enhance your problem solving and your memory retention

  • Sustain increased feelings of self-confidence and self-esteem

  • Ensure increased overall health, pain relief and well-being

  • Your intuitive skills develop naturally and easily

  • Your ability to communication will improve at all levels

  • Notice increases creativity at all levels, in all professions (many world-famous athletes,musicians and opera singers swear by Reiki – as does Oprah

  • Your mindfulness and self-awareness will increase naturally and show up in your personal and professional relationship

Usui Reiki is permanent, simple to learn and use.

Reiki is used extensively overseas in clinics, hospitals and hospices

Anyone can learn Reiki – doctors, nurses, beauticians, busy executives and parents, even children. 

Many famous actors, athletes, musicians (Dame Malvina Major) and dancers use Reiki for stress management, relaxation, creative concentration and particularly for physical relaxation and pain relief, too.

The use of Reiki energy for personal and professional stress reduction, enhancing creativity, problem-solving and therefore profitability in business, is a major contribution to the workplace. 

It is also a holistic, fully natural healing modality to give to yourself, your loved ones, professionally, on pets and all animals, plants, your food – it’s effectiveness is endless.

Reiki’s history in the West has been researched, verified and published extensively with many books in many languages confirming the often inexplicable results of Usui Reiki on the human body and soul.

‘I feel calmer and much less anxious and I’ve noticed I get less agitated than I used to.
I have less negative thoughts about myself and others and sometimes I have no thoughts at all. 

My relationships are a lot happier and I’m much calmer.

I loved learning Usui Reiki – it was a wonderful experience for me.'

Arwinder, Reiki 1st Degree Student