Reiki Our World Together
There’s never been a more auspicious and important time to come together online or at home to create and share a powerful field of Reiki Energy across our lives, countries and Mother Earth
Let's send Reiki together for the well-being of our planet
Join us in the privacy of your own home every Thursday
7pm – 7.30pm
to send Reiki Absent & Distant
Healing together
A suggested programme to do together every Thursday 7pm - 7.30pm in the privacy of your own home
Here is a suggested programme for creating a powerful energy field of Reiki to send to ourselves, each other, our Mother Planet and all living things
You can send Reiki Absent & Distant Healing for good health & strong immune systems, happiness, balance and harmony, healing and abundance to -
- yourself
- your loved ones, friends and work mates
- the front-liners & essential services people & their families throughout the world (covid-related)
- your communities – we’re all part of our Reiki Communities as well as many other groups of like-minded people
- your city or town
- your country
- All of nature, all living things & our Mother Earth
The REIKI ENERGY FIELD created by many coming together for a common purpose is far more powerful than 1 person. All Reiki 2nd and 3rd Degree students, Masters and Teachers welcome
Thursday 7pm to 7.30pm
Let's come together wherever we are every week and send Reiki to the above, one by one or all together for 30 mins
May you be blessed, your loved ones and all living things be blessed
Thank you.