P: 027 234 9560

Jikiden Reiki
Shoden & Okuden
(Levels 1 & 2)
2-6 Sept '24 

5 days of Jikiden Reiki Training in person with acclaimed Japanese Reiki Teacher, researcher and author (Frank) Arjava Petter in Auckland, New Zealand

Mon 2nd to Friday 6 Sept 2024
10am to 6pm daily

This lineage goes from Usui Sensei to Hayashi Sensei to Chiyoko Yamaguchi Sensei who learned Reiki in 1938 and practiced it for the next 65 years!

Because this lineage has not gone through Mrs Takata, it lacks the Westernisation of Reiki as it is taught in the Western World.

You will experience Reiki in it's original beauty and simplicity.

Please be aware that the Jikiden Reiki Institute Japan permits only those registered teachers of the Jikiden Reiki Institute to teach Jikiden Reiki (Level 3 or Shinpiden).


Mon 2 Sept - Fri 6 Sept,  10am to 6pm daily


Vaughan House, Long Bay, North Shore, Auckland

Your 5 day Class includes

1: 5 full days of Jikiden Reiki Levels 1 (Shoden) & 2 (Okuden) Teachings and practice with International Reiki Teacher, Arjava Petter in person to Practitioner level

2: You will receive a Certificate on the last day of Class, on completion of the Class from Arjava in person

3: Your Levels 1 & 2 Jikiden Reiki Certificate enables you to practice Jikiden Reiki to both levels as taught by Arjava

We all eat lunch together as a Reiki Family every day

A lovely vegetarian lunch is included for your fee every day, plus morning and afternoon teas every day, too.

Learn Jikiden Reiki in it's original simplicity and beauty

This is a unique and rare opportunity to study both Levels of Jikiden Reiki under an internationally-reknown Japanese-trained Reiki Teacher.

(Frank) Arjava Petter will teach and attune you to both of these two Jikiden Reiki Levels.

You will learn and practice the original and authentic traditions and practices of this beautiful, compassionate and empowering Japanese Reiki Lineage.

Your Investment

Reiki NZ Members - $1450
If places are still available (max 20 people) - $1650

NB: WOULD YOU LIKE TO REPEAT Jikiden Reiki Levels 1 & 2?

Original Certificate must be sighted before booking

Reiki NZ Members - $750 General Public - $850

Learn the original authentic Japanese Reiki with International Reiki Teacher, Frank Arjava Petter

(Frank) Arjava Petter is offering four ORIGINAL Japanese Reiki Classes in-person to our NZ Wellness Community.

This is a unique, stand-alone opportunity to learn the original and authentic Japanese Jikiden Reiki from the Arjava himself


Everyone Welcome to all Classes and Talks!

Japanese Reiki Techniques
2 day weekend with
Frank Arjava Petter

Sat & Sunday 7-8 September '24

10am through to 6pm
Vaughan House, Long Bay, North Shore, Auckland

Your weekend includes


  • The three Hatsurei-Ho Techniques for strengthening energy and perception

  • A short but potent prayer that is repeated within the heart of the practitionery before giving treatments

  • Reiki Undo Exercise

  • Concentrated group technique and energy current group technique

  • Grounding technique to help client disconnect from an experience, uncomfortable though or emotion

  • A lovely vegetarian lunch is included for you every day, plus morning and afternoon tea both days, too.


  • The Second Degree Reiki Symbols plus distant healing

  • Two techniques for household injuries, healing with eyes and breath

  • Reiki Undo with a group

  • Byosen - feelings and sensations, scanning the body and how to give Reiki intuitively

  • How to transform negative energy techniques and practice

  • A lovely vegetarian lunch is included for you every day, plus morning and afternoon tea both days, too.

Your Investment

Discounted prices until 21 July

Reiki NZI Members $750 ~ General Public $850

Reiki Masters & Teachers class with Arjava

Sun 1 Sept '24

For all Reiki Masters and Teachers 


 Sun 1st Sept, 7pm - 9pm (after the Reiki NZ Conference)


Clifton Room, Waipuna Lodge, Mt Wellington, Auckland


Reiki NZ Members - $50
General Public - $99

A Special Class on the History of Reiki

For everyone, especially if you're new to the origins and original teachings and practices of Reiki


Sun 8 Sept '24, 7pm - 9pm (after the Japanese Reiki Class has finished)


Vaughan Park, Long Bay, Auckland


Reiki NZ Members - $50
General Public - $99

Booking and payment for all classes

Bookings are online through this website's secure booking system. 

You'll automatically receive an emailed receipt confirming your attendance and I'll be in touch with you by email and in person closer to the time.

Prefer to use online Banking?

Please contact me and I'll forward the account details to you promptly. Thank you.

Please contact me (Yolanda) on +64 272 349 560
or email: yolanda@reikihealth.co.nz


If something unexpected happens and you can’t join us, please know that there are no refunds given AND you're welcome to nominate someone in your place.

Have a question? 

Please contact me (Yolanda) on +64 272 349 560
or email: yolanda@reikihealth.co.nz